
Most Sunday mornings you can find me speaking at Awaken Westchester Church. I love the process of taking the timeless wisdom found within the Bible, and making it relevant and practical for us today. There’s a reason this book has endured for thousands of years. My hope is to show how these ancient truths can lead all of us into more grace, love, peace, and purpose.

I also enjoy traveling to speak to new audiences. Below, you’ll find all the info about having me speak at your next event.

Have me come speak at your next event!

Here are a few topics I enjoy speaking on:

how to care for yourself to ensure vitality and prevent burnout

the art of creating and delivering sermons that speak to the heart of your listeners

how to read the Bible in a way that brings transformation

understanding the original, ancient context of the Bible so it can come alive and speak to us today

spirituality in our modern age

leading yourself well so you can lead others

Let’s talk about what you’re looking for and we’ll make it happen!

To inquire about me speaking at your event, fill out this form.