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"How is this ancient book [the Bible] relevant for us in our lives today? What is the timeless wisdom that was present in the Bible but is also available and meaningful for us now?...
I always try to make it really practical, asking: What does it mean for us? How do we put this into practice? How will this change our lives? How can we live. out this wisdom that's going to lead us forward into more meaning, more purpose, more joy, more life - all of the things ... that every single one of us truly wants out of life? So, I try to make it something that's relevant for every single person."
--taken from my interview in January 2023 edition of Westchester Magazine
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Daveβs Latest Sermons
The Ever-Present, Mysterious, Always Working Seed
In this parable of the sower, Jesus talks about a seed being sown all over and how the right soil condition can lead to the seed developing into the fullness of its potential. This week, we'll explore what (or who) the seed represents, and how we can set our lives up in a way to experience the full potential of the seed in our lives.
The Divine Tinker
In response to the religious leaders complaining about who Jesus spends his time with, Jesus offers a collection of parables on the value of lost objects. Rather than seeing items of no value that have been discarded and passed over, Jesus shows how these lost objects have not been forgotten, but are diligently searched for and produce much joy in the searcher when found. Listen as Dave explores the Parable of the Lost Sheep to see the value and joy God sees in your life.
Learning to Float
Dave's new book, Learning to Float, is now available!
Listen as Dave offers seven ways to float your way to purpose and joy by creating healthy and sustainable rhythms to life.
The Fullness That Is Yours
What messages will we allow to shape our inner thoughts? How do we distinguish between what's true and what's a lie?
The apostle Paul warned the Colossians to be awake so they wouldn't be captured by those selling a lie. Join us this week as we look at this ancient wisdom to see how we stay watchful so we can filter out the toxic messages and allow only that which is true to shape our inner dialogue.
Your Mind Is a Battlefield
How do you win the battle in your mind? How do you leave behind the lies and false narratives shaping your life? Join us this week as we look at a powerful practice Paul gives his readers to win the battle in your mind and shape your life in a direction true to your God given identity.
The Power of Attention
At the end of his letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages his readers to think on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. By focusing on these qualities, Paul promises his readers they will find the God of peace.
As we begin a new series, we start by exploring how we can find the God in peace in the midst of the chaos and challenges of life by being intentional about where we choose to focus our attention.
The Widow and the Judge
What does faith according to Jesus look like? This week, Dave looks the parable of the widow and the unjust judge to explore how Jesus talks about and viewed faith.
Letting Go of the Scorecard
In Matthew 20, Jesus tells a parable about a loving, generous landowner. But not all are impressed with his generosity. Some are offended by his generosity and feel he has been unfair to those who worked the hardest and proved themselves the worthiest. Watch this week as Dave looks at this parable and challenges us to let go of living by the metrics we so often configure in our heads about who is deserving and who isn't.
What is our truest nature? Who are we at our core? This week, we explore these questions and more by looking at the story of Frankenstein to see what it reveals about our humanity and the people we have been created by God to be.